We are continually seeking support to help maintain, activate and grow the facility. The Perry Tennis Association, which owns and operates the Middle Georgia Tennis Center, is a non-profit organization made up of local volunteers. Every penny raised is put back into the facility. Memberships and sponsorships keep this center running!
How does a sponsor help?
Your 100% tax deductible donation not only provides general maintenance (lights, courts, grounds, clubhouse), but also helps fund youth programs, league play and tournaments. In a typical year, our center will welcome hundreds of local and surrounding area players:
10 to 12 adult leagues each season--Fall, Spring & Summer--playing teams from Warner Robins and Macon, including Healy Point, John Drew and Idle Hour
At least 2 USTA-sanctioned tournaments (youth & adult)
At least 2 non-sanctioned tournaments (youth & adult)
Fall and Spring Junior Development Camps
Fall, Spring and Summer Youth & Adult Lessons as well as Team Drills
2-3 Summer Camps
Junior Team Tennis
All home matches for The Westfield School and Perry High School tennis teams
The mark of great sportsmen is not how good they are at their best, but how good they are at their worst.
―Martina Navratilova

Dr. and Mrs Don Spillers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ayer
The Shelton family
Ocmulgee Site and Environmental Services

Court Sponsor - $25,000 or More - One of the Courts is named after your business or family
Grand Slam - $10,000 to $24,999 - Featured on donor board displayed at entry to clubhouse/courts
Champion - $5,000 to $9,999 - Featured on donor board displayed at entry to clubhouse/courts
Ace - $2,500 to $4,999 - Featured on donor board displayed at entry to clubhouse/courts
First Serve - $1,000 to $2,499 - Featured on donor board displayed at entry to clubhouse/courts
Bleacher Sponsor - $1,500 - A nameplate of donors will be placed in plain sight on the bleachers
Event Sponsor - $700 - Logo or family name featured on back of all Summer Camp & Tournament T-shirts as well as clubhouse signage during the event, PLUS year-round court-side banner
Court-side Banners - $375 first year; $275 the following years - 3x5 - mesh signs between the courts
Annual T-Shirt Sponsor - $500 - Logo or family name featured on back of all Summer Camp and Tournament t-shirts as well as on clubhouse signage during the events.
Summer Camp T-Shirt Sponsor A - $200 - Logo or family name featured on back of all Summer Camp T-shirts
Summer Camp T-Shirt Sponsor B - $100 - Business or family name printed (no logo) on back of all Summer Camp T-shirts
Contact the Sponsorship Committee to learn more - info@middlegatenniscenter.com